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sabato 1 luglio 2023

Robert Schulz increases his all-time winnings en route to WSOP victory

A hard-fought final table which lasted almost seven hours was finally put to bed by Robert Schulz, when he defeated Julien Sitbon, to take down the $675,275 prize for first place in Event #59: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout. In keeping with previous events at the 2023 World Series of Poker at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas, the numbers exceeded the previous edition of the contest, attracting 1,598 runners and generating a prodigious prize pool of $4,266,660. Schulz is no stranger to big final tables, having previously amassed over a million dollars on his Hendon Mob profile, but this was his grandest win to date. The occasion did not hinder the unflappable German, who remained the personification of calmness throughout. The final table was a veritable United Nations of poker, with no fewer than nine countries being represented. And there were boisterous rails supporting several of the participants, but nothing could distract Schulz from fulfilling his ultimate goal. First to bust from the unofficial final table of ten, was Shon Aroeti, when his ace-ten was outkicked by Schulz's ace-king — and that was before the board ran out with two more kings. He was swiftly followed to the payout desk by Jesse Lonis and Kunal Patni. Nazar Buhaiov fell in seventh place, his nines out flopped by Schulz's ace-king. And Robert Burlacu went in sixth, another victim to the unstoppable German. Dario Sammartino was next to go – Barak Wisbrod rivering an ace to end his WSOP dream, at least for the time being. But it was Wisbrod who would succumb in fourth when he couldn't overcome Sitbon's pocket eights. James Mendoza departed in third place, with what proved to be the defining moment in Shultz's tournament, giving him a commanding lead over Sitbon, who only lasted a few more hands. Asked if he was always so composed, Schulz replied, "I would say so. I think I'm on the calmer side. Usually, it takes pretty extreme things to put me out of balance." It is hard to imagine much that could be more extreme than a WSOP final table. Summing up his emotions, he said he felt, "Exhausted, relieved, and yeah, proud as well. I think I played fine." On the subject of what he will do next, Schulz commented, "I think I'm coming down with a cold; I've been sniffing and coughing, so I think I'm going to take it slow. Let's see how tomorrow is, and then maybe then I'll want to play again." Finally, reflecting on how he managed to remain unfazed through the vociferous railing, Schulz simply said, "I don't speak French, so I've no clue what they said." Schulz's impressive victory takes his lifetime earnings from live poker tournaments past the $1.76 million mark and bumps him up to 37th in Germany's all-time money list. Based on this performance alone, it is highly likely we shall see Schulz at another WSOP final table in the not-too-distant future.


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