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sabato 24 giugno 2023

Stanislav 'ForlorarDu' Barshak takes home first victory at WSOP

It was a commanding performance from Barshak, who carried the lead through the entirety of the late phases, and finished top of the pile. His reward? $128,841 and a WSOP bracelet to compliment the two WSOP Circuit rings in his collection.

Barshak won his first circuit ring in 2012 in a $580 6-handed NLH Event ($39,123), and another one in 2013 ($51,479), but both of those scores are now dwarfed by a new high score of $128,841 and his very first bracelet.

This online bracelet event attracted a total of 383 entries, with only 99 receiving at least $1,516 from the $606,600 prize pool for their efforts.

There were plenty of notables who joined the fray, including Shaun "fortnite" Deeb, Brandon "pretty_noose" Shack-Harris, and Nacho "Bobbybaldwin" Barbero.. However, they all came up short in their quest for a gold bracelet

It seemed Daniel "Brett_Favre" Zack might run away with it after he passed the one million chip mark , and even more so when he eliminated Carlos "disco1981" Alvarado in 15th place. However, as the blinds increased, the stacks evened out, and it seemed to be anybody's game.

Jonathan "Just1Time" Depa was first to fall at the final table when his aces were run down by "TokiHighball."

"mitarachi89 was next to go when they had their kings cracked by Zack, who turned trip tens.

Zack, who at one stage looked like this event was his to lose, hit the rail in fifth. Zack found himself with a ton of outs, but he couldn't get there to beat the aces of Barshak.

"TokiHighball" had quite the showing, eliminating several competitors on their way to the final table, but eventually found themselves with a short stack and ran it blind versus blind, busting to Barshak.

Christopher "EntombExhume" Demaci was in for a tough time, as they entered heads up trailing almost five-to-one in chips.

It didn't take long to settle the tournament, with Demaci unable to get away from his rivered two pair only to be shown a Barshak full house.

So, there you have it, Barshak is a WSOP bracelet winner!


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