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sabato 30 settembre 2017

Rivers Casino contributes $3.3 million to PPG Paints Arena

Rivers Casino and the Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County (SEA) announced today that a $3.3 million payment from Rivers Casino has been received and put toward the construction expenses for PPG Paints Arena.

Rivers Casino contributes $7.5 million annually to the SEA, with installments occurring in April and October of each year. To date, Rivers Casino has generated $63.3 million to help fund construction expenses for PPG Paints Arena, one of the city's premier entertainment venues and home of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

By 2038, when the agreement concludes, Rivers Casino will have contributed a total of $225 million to the SEA for the arena's construction, which was completed in 2010.

"Our annual contributions help ensure PPG Paints Arena delivers top-notch entertainment and sporting events, making it among the leading entertainment destinations in the city," said Craig Clark, general manager of Rivers Casino. "We're proud to honor this commitment and to celebrate the Pens. We look forward to cheering on our back-to-back Stanley Cup Champions."

Rivers Casino generates approximately $161 million annually for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Allegheny County and Pittsburgh, including the city's economic development and tourism fund.

"Rivers Casino's generous commitment continues to demonstrate its continual support for the City of Pittsburgh," said Mary Conturo, executive director of the Sports & Exhibition Authority.


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